Little Caesars Arena / District Detroit Environmental and Geotechnical Engineering Services

Project Overview

NTH was called out of the engineering “bench” long before the first construction equipment rolled on-site to assist with pre-acquisition due diligence studies as well as preliminary engineering and cost estimating. The challenge was to identify and evaluate potential environmental problems or recognized environmental conditions (RECs) at over 100 tax parcels, ranging from dilapidated residences to former light industrial operations. In addition, NTH was to conduct all environmental characterization and response activities in accordance with state and federal regulations NTH had to work under strict confidentiality agreement and move quickly, as the project schedule was aggressive. During the design phase, NTH served as the lead geotechnical and environmental consultant to the project for the arena and parking structures. For geotechnical aspects, NTH performed 35 test borings throughout the arena site that ranged in depth from 10 to 162 feet below ground surface. Based on the prevailing ground conditions throughout the site, NTH developed recommendations to support the arena on a series of drilled piers that extended to the hardpan material at a depth on the order of 100-feet. In several of the borings, hardpan was not encountered and NTH developed recommendations to extend foundations into bedrock containing artesian water and methane gas.

Project Scope

NTH also developed recommendations to stabilize the 40-feet deep excavation required for construction as well as to protect existing underground infrastructure during construction. During construction, NTH staff worked closely with the program manager, Plante Moran Cresa (PMC) to monitor construction, perform quality control testing of concrete and soils as well as fire and water proofing of project elements. NTH staff also assisted in the evaluation of subcontractor proposals for items such as temporary earth support and utility relocations. Throughout the construction process, NTH assisted PMC and the general contractors, Barton Malow-Hunt-White with construction issues that developed such as encountering of boulders during foundation drilling as well as dealing with groundwater issues associated with the deep excavations at the site.

Client Benefit:

All eyes turned to NTH to clear environmental hurdles and keep the project rolling. NTH applied practical geo-environmental expertise, keen regulatory understanding and emergency response services to minimize delays and adhere to the project schedule. NTH delivered project area ready for construction of the new hockey arena and entertainment complex to ODM’s project team.


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