The Impact Of Water Levels On Shorelines & Shoreline Systems

The long-term history of water levels in the Great Lakes is cyclical. In the last three years, water levels have significantly exceeded historical averages due to increasingly intense storms and rainfall; because of this, shoreline protection has never been more important. Older seawall and shoreline protection systems, that were not designed for the current water levels, have been overtopped or submerged, resulting in erosion of the areas above and behind their original alignments. Because natural shorelines undergo a dynamic process of erosion and deposition, resilient designs are needed to adapt to these changes.

​In this webinar, NTH experts will discuss their extensive experience with shoreline projects on the Great Lakes and Detroit River, evaluating current conditions and rehabilitating existing structures. They will also discuss appropriate solutions that can help private owners and municipalities alike adapt to the changing water levels, avoid property damage, and reduce maintenance and repair costs.


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